Facebook On This Day: Stop the Bad Memories

Facebook On This Day: Stop the Bad Memories

Facebook On This Day. What’s That?

First launched in 2015 to select lucky (or unlucky) users, Facebook On This Day feature is a nostalgia machine. The photo app shows you bittersweet memories to look back on from that day in your Facebook history.

When you post a major life events, befriend someone on Facebook, and you’re tagged in photos—these are considered ‘important’ memories by Facebook. They may include photos of when you’re embarrassingly drunk, an ex who cheated on you, among other things you had forgotten or rather not remember in the first place!


Why’d you want to turn it off?

Logging in to Facebook and being hosed with a splash of bad nostalgia is certainly an aggravating experience. Many users reported to stop checking the social media together to avoid the ‘torture’. That’s why Facebook has introduced some filters to the photo app so you can block certain memories from showing up. (It still took a while though for them to implement it.)


Turning off On this Day’s notifications

It’s actually really easy. Log into Facebook from the web, and then find the “On This Day” entry under the Apps heading on the left.

On the upper right side, you will see two buttons: Notifications and Preference. To turn off all notifications, click Notifications and then Off.

If you’d rather shut out certain people or dates that bring back bad memories, click Preferences and then use the Edit links to set up your filters. That’s all there is to it—enjoy your “eternal sunshine” in the land of Zuckerberg!

Tips: You don’t have to be friends with someone to stop them from appearing in your notifications. Real handy if you’re no longer friends with your ex!


Getting Back Your Photos & Memories

If you ever regret your decision (highly doubt it!), you can open the app again and undo the changes. But if you need to restore your memories from a broken hardisk, we can help you recover your data.