Macbook Air A2337 (EMC 3598) Revive
A customer brought in a M1 Macbook Air A2337 (EMC 3598) that was having power on but no screen display issue. He had previously sent to Apple Service Center and had the diagnosis as LCD Panel faulty. He was quoted with costs close to S$500 to replace. Wanting a second opinion he sent the macbook to us.
The following details the diagnostic and repair process:
We first powered on the laptop and heard the CHIME sound which means that the CPU is working fine but there was still no display.
Further testing on the LCD panel showed that the panel is working fine. This directly contradicts the Apple Service Center diagnostic. After futher checks, we traced the fault to display signal line circuitry issues on the mainboard. After this was fixed, the laptop is able to boot up.
After powering the laptop and seeing the screen display, we were estatic to see it having graphics coming on. But no, it had to give us an error message. We saw that there was a exclamation mark with message prompting restore. Alas. This meant that the OS on the on-chip SSD was corrupted.
We had to use the Apple Configurater 2 App to attempt to revive the laptop.
After the whole processes which took close to 2 hours, the macbook was finally able to boot into the OS. The customer was happy, so were we 🙂