Laptop Repair Singapore: How To Fix A Laptop Charger That Wont Charge

Laptop Repair Singapore: How To Fix A Laptop Charger That Wont Charge

Laptop Repair Singapore: How To Fix A Laptop Charger That Wont Charge

We’ve all been there – you plug in your laptop charger, expecting it to charge, only to find that nothing happens. The frustration sets in as you realize your laptop charger won’t charge, and you’re left wondering what to do next. Whether it’s a sudden failure or a gradual decline in performance, the issue of “How To Fix A Laptop Charger That Wont Charge” is a common one faced by many laptop users. Fortunately, there are solutions available, ranging from simple preliminary checks to more advanced troubleshooting techniques.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of diagnosing and fixing a laptop charger that won’t charge, providing step-by-step instructions tailored to various scenarios. Whether you’re a tech-savvy individual or a complete beginner, this guide is designed to help you navigate the complexities of laptop charger repair, ensuring that you can get back to using your laptop without unnecessary delays. From understanding the charging port to seeking professional help in Singapore, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and explore the world of laptop charger repair!

Laptop Repair Singapore: How To Fix A Laptop Charger That Wont Charge

Laptop Repair Singapore presents a comprehensive guide on ‘How To Fix A Laptop Charger That Wont Charge.’ This essential guide is meticulously organized into three main sections, each focusing on a different aspect of the repair process. From preliminary checks to detailed troubleshooting and advanced solutions, the guide provides a step-by-step approach to diagnosing and resolving charger issues. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced tech enthusiast, this guide offers valuable insights and practical solutions to get your laptop charger working again.

Section 1: Preliminary Checks

When you encounter a laptop charger that’s not charging, panic often sets in. However, before you rush to a professional repair shop in Singapore, there are some preliminary checks you can perform. These simple steps often solve the charging issue.

1.1 Ensure Proper Connection

Firstly, let’s focus on the most basic yet crucial aspect: the connection. It might sound trivial, but ensuring that the laptop charger is properly plugged in is vital. Check if the laptop charger is firmly seated in the power outlet, and try plugging it into a different outlet. If it’s connected to a power strip, try plugging it directly into the wall. These steps can help you determine if the issue lies with the power outlet itself.

Next, examine the charging port on your laptop, looking for any obstructions or damage. If you’re using a USB-C port, make sure it’s the correct one for charging. Charger compatibility is key here, so ensure that you’re using the correct power adapter and charging cable for your laptop. Assess the connection to the laptop as well. Is the charging cable firmly connected to the laptop’s charging port? Try unplugging and replugging it to ensure a secure connection. Sometimes, a loose connection can be the root cause of the charging issue.

1.2 Check the Cable and Adapter

Next, let’s delve into the physical components of the laptop charger. A close inspection can reveal problems that are often overlooked. Feel along the length of the charging cable, looking for kinks or breaks, and check both ends for any loose connections or damage. If you find any signs of wear, consider a battery replacement for the cable. Charger failure is common with worn-out cables, so don’t ignore this step.

Inspect the AC adapter brick as well. Is it discolored or warped? Does it smell like burnt plastic? If so, the AC adapter might be the culprit, and you should contact the manufacturer to inquire about a warranty or purchase a new one. Also, ensure that the charger’s wattage matches your laptop’s requirements, as using a charger with too low a wattage can lead to charging issues. Understanding charger wattage is essential to avoid potential electrical repair needs.


In conclusion, these preliminary checks are essential first steps in diagnosing a laptop charger that’s not charging. By carefully examining the power outlet, charging port, charging cable, AC adapter, and charger wattage, you can often identify and resolve the problem yourself. If these steps don’t solve the issue, it may be time to consult a professional repair shop in Singapore. Remember, proper care and attention to these components can enhance battery health and prolong the life of your laptop charger.

Section 2: Detailed Troubleshooting

If the preliminary checks didn’t resolve the charging issue with your laptop charger, don’t worry. Now, we’ll delve into more detailed troubleshooting. These methods are more advanced but still manageable for most users.

2.1 Understanding the Charging Port

First and foremost, understanding the charging port is crucial. Are you using a USB-C port? Ensure it’s the correct one for charging, as some USB-C ports are data-only, so charger compatibility is essential. Look inside the charging port for debris or damage and clean it gently with a toothpick or cotton swab. Never use metal, as it can cause further damage. If the port is wobbly or loose, this could indicate internal damage, and a professional repair shop in Singapore may be needed.

2.2 Is Your Charger Powerful Enough?

Next, let’s focus on the charger’s power. Check the wattage of your laptop’s original charger and make sure the replacement matches it. Using a charger with too low wattage can lead to not charging. Ensure that the charger is compatible with your laptop, as laptop chargers are often specific to the brand and model. Using an incompatible charger can lead to charging failure.

2.3 Fixing Physical Damage

Physical damage is a common cause of charging issues. Look for visible damage on the charging cable, like stripped insulation or bare wires. If you find any, consider a battery replacement for the cable. Inspect the AC adapter for discoloration or warping, and if it smells like burnt plastic, replace it. Check the power connector inside the laptop, and if it’s broken, you may need professional help.

2.4 Windows 10 Specific Solutions

If you’re using a Windows 10 laptop, there are specific solutions to try. Run a Windows 10 Battery Report to learn about the battery’s health, guiding you to the right solution. Use the Windows 10 Battery Troubleshooter to identify and fix battery issues. Sometimes, the Microsoft Battery Control Method Driver can become corrupted, and reinstalling it can fix the charging issue. If a recent update caused the problem, performing a system restore can fix charging issues.

2.5 Mac-Specific Solutions

For Mac users, there are unique solutions to explore. Look at the light on the charging cable; orange means charging, and green means fully charged. Mac chargers are often model-specific, so ensure you’re using the correct one.


In conclusion, detailed troubleshooting requires a more in-depth look at the laptop charger, charging port, charging cable, and specific solutions for Windows and Mac. By following these steps, you can often resolve the not charging issue yourself. If these methods don’t work, it may be time to seek professional help from a laptop repair shop in Singapore. Remember, understanding your laptop’s charging components and taking proper care can prevent future charging issues and enhance battery health. Whether it’s charger wattage, USB-C compatibility, or Windows 10 battery troubleshooter, each aspect plays a vital role in ensuring your laptop charger functions properly.

Section 3: Advanced Solutions

If the preliminary checks and detailed troubleshooting haven’t resolved the charging issue with your laptop charger, it’s time to explore advanced solutions. These methods require more technical knowledge but can be highly effective.

3.1 Testing with a Multimeter

Firstly, you can test the charger with a multimeter. Set the multimeter to the correct voltage setting and test the laptop charger’s output. If it’s not correct, the charger may be faulty. Additionally, you can inspect the power connector inside the laptop. If it’s not receiving power, professional repair may be needed.

3.2 Checking the Battery’s Age and Health

Next, let’s focus on the laptop battery itself. Batteries degrade over time, and if the battery is old, it may not charge properly. Consider a battery replacement if it’s more than 2-3 years old. Windows users can run a detailed battery report, providing insights into the battery’s health.

3.3 Ensuring Charger Compatibility

Charger compatibility is a common issue. Look at the charger’s voltage and amperage, and compare them to the laptop’s requirements. If they don’t match, you need a new charger. USB-C charging can be complex, so ensure that the charger and port are compatible. Use only certified USB-C chargers to avoid issues.

3.4 Mac-Specific Solutions

For Mac users, there are additional steps to try. The System Management Controller (SMC) controls power functions, and resetting it can resolve charging issues. Also, inspect the charging cable for damage or wear, and replace it if needed.

3.5 Windows-Specific Solutions

Windows users also have unique solutions. Sometimes, driver updates cause charging issues, so you may need to update or roll back the driver as needed. If a recent update caused the problem, performing a system restore can fix the issue.

3.6 Professional Repair Options

Lastly, if these solutions don’t work, professional help may be required. Look for reputable laptop repair shops in Singapore, and check reviews and ask for recommendations. Understand warranty options, and if the laptop is under warranty, contact the manufacturer. They may repair or replace the charger for free. If the charging port is damaged, it may need repair, and this is a job for professionals.


In conclusion, advanced solutions for fixing a laptop charger that’s not charging require careful attention and technical know-how. From testing with a multimeter to understanding charger compatibility, USB-C charging complexities, and specific solutions for Mac and Windows, these methods cover a wide range of potential issues. If all else fails, seeking professional help from a laptop repair shop in Singapore is the next step. Whether it’s a warranty claim or electrical repair, professional assistance ensures that the job is done right. Remember, proper understanding and care of your laptop’s charging components can prevent future issues and prolong the life of your laptop charger. Advanced solutions may seem daunting, but with patience and precision, you can often resolve the charging issue yourself.

Section 4: Professional Help

If you’ve tried all the previous solutions and your laptop charger is still not charging, it’s time to seek professional help. In this section, we’ll guide you through the process of finding a reliable repair shop in Singapore, understanding warranty options, and what to expect from professional repair services.

4.1 When to Seek Professional Help

Firstly, it’s essential to know when to seek professional help. If the charging port is physically damaged, a professional repair is needed, as trying to fix it yourself can cause further damage. If the charger itself has failed, a replacement may be necessary, and a professional can help you find the right one. Some issues are too complex for DIY fixes, and in these cases, professional help is the best option.

4.2 Finding a Reliable Repair Shop in Singapore

Next, let’s focus on finding the right repair shop. Friends or family may know a good shop, and online reviews can also guide you. Look for shops with certified technicians, as this ensures quality work. Don’t hesitate to ask for a detailed quote upfront, as this prevents unexpected costs.

4.3 Understanding Warranty and Repair Options

Warranty options can save you money. If your laptop is under warranty, contact the manufacturer, as they may fix or replace the charger for free. It’s also wise to ask about the cost of parts and labor and compare prices with other shops to understand repair costs fully.

4.4 What to Expect from Professional Repair

Professional repair offers peace of mind. A professional will diagnose the issue accurately, as they have the tools and knowledge to find the problem. Professionals use quality replacement parts, ensuring a lasting fix. Most shops offer quick turnaround times, so you won’t be without your laptop for long. Many shops also offer a warranty on their work, adding an extra layer of protection.

4.5 Battery Replacement Options

Sometimes, the battery itself is the issue. If the battery is old or degraded, replacement may be needed, and a professional can guide you to the right choice. Understand battery replacement costs by asking about the cost of the battery and installation, and compare prices to find the best deal.


In conclusion, seeking professional help for a laptop charger that’s not charging is often the best course of action when DIY solutions fail. From finding a reliable repair shop in Singapore to understanding warranty options and what to expect from professional repair, this section provides a comprehensive guide. Whether it’s charging port damage, charger failure, or battery replacement, professional technicians have the expertise to diagnose and fix the issue. Remember, quality repair ensures that your laptop charger functions properly and prolongs its life. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help when needed; it’s an investment in the longevity and performance of your laptop. Whether you’re dealing with a complex electrical repair or simply need guidance on charger compatibility, professional repair services in Singapore offer the expertise and peace of mind you need.

Where to Fix A Laptop Charger That Won’t Charge in Singapore

Image of a laptop plugged into a charger for 2 hours, displaying a'charging' status on the screen, illustrating the issue of a laptop charger that won't charge.

Image of a laptop plugged into a charger for 2 hours, displaying a ‘charging’ status on the screen, illustrating the issue of a laptop charger that won’t charge. Image: VOLTA PC Upgrade & Repair

When faced with a laptop charger that won’t charge, finding a reliable place to fix it in Singapore can be a challenge. However, Singapore offers a variety of options, ranging from authorized service centers to local repair shops, electronic markets, and even DIY repair. Understanding these options can guide you to the right solution for your specific situation.

Firstly, if your laptop is still under warranty, an authorized service center is the best option.

They use genuine parts, and the technicians are certified by the manufacturer. Repairs often come with a warranty. You can check the manufacturer’s website and look for authorized service centers near you. Don’t forget to call ahead to confirm they handle your specific issue.

Next, local repair shops are a great option for out-of-warranty repairs.

They are often cheaper than authorized service centers and offer quick turnaround times and personalized service. One highly recommended local repair shop in Singapore is VOLTA PC Upgrade & Repair. With experienced technicians and a commitment to customer satisfaction, VOLTA PC provides quality repair services for various laptop charger issues. You can ask friends or family for more recommendations or search online for highly-rated shops in Singapore. Visit the shop to gauge their professionalism.

In Singapore, electronic markets also offer repair services.

They provide competitive prices, many options in one location, and you can even watch the repair process. Well-known electronic markets like Sim Lim Square are good places to start. Talk to different vendors to compare prices and services.

Lastly, if you’re technically inclined, you might consider a DIY repair.

This option is cost-effective, and you control the entire process. You can purchase parts from reputable online retailers and look for guides or videos to assist with the repair.

In conclusion, fixing a laptop charger that won’t charge in Singapore offers various options. From authorized service centers to local repair shops like VOLTA PC Upgrade & Repair, electronic markets, or even DIY repair, each option has its benefits. Consider factors like warranty, cost, turnaround time, and your comfort level with the repair process. By carefully evaluating these aspects, you can find the right solution for your specific situation. Whether it’s a simple charging cable replacement or a more complex charging port repair, choosing the right place ensures quality work and peace of mind. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek recommendations; finding the right repair service in Singapore is essential for a successful repair.

FAQs about Fix A Laptop Charger That Won’t Charge

Why is my laptop charger plugged in but not charging?

Your laptop charger might be plugged in but not charging due to several reasons. It could be a problem with the charger itself, such as a damaged cable or incorrect wattage. The charging port on the laptop might be dirty or damaged, or there could be an issue with the laptop’s battery or power settings. It’s essential to perform some basic checks and troubleshooting to identify the underlying cause.

What to do if your laptop charger is not working?

If your laptop charger is not working, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check the connections to ensure everything is plugged in securely.
  2. Inspect the charger for visible damage, such as frayed cables or bent prongs.
  3. Try a different power outlet to rule out issues with the outlet itself.
  4. Test the charger with another compatible laptop if possible.
  5. If you’re using a USB-C charger, ensure it’s the correct one for charging.
  6. Consider seeking professional help from a laptop repair shop if the problem persists.

How do I know if my laptop charger is bad?

You can identify a bad laptop charger through the following signs:

  1. Physical damage like frayed cables, bent prongs, or discoloration.
  2. A burnt plastic smell coming from the charger.
  3. Inconsistent charging or complete failure to charge the laptop.
  4. The charger feels excessively hot to the touch during use.
  5. Testing the charger with a multimeter shows incorrect voltage output.

Why is USB-C not charging my laptop?

USB-C not charging your laptop could be due to several factors:

  1. Charger Compatibility: Not all USB-C ports support charging; some are data-only.
  2. Cable Quality: Using a low-quality or damaged USB-C cable can prevent charging.
  3. Port Damage: Physical damage to the USB-C port can hinder the charging process.
  4. Power Requirements: The USB-C charger might not meet the power requirements of your laptop.
  5. Driver Issues: Sometimes, software or driver conflicts can interfere with USB-C charging.

In each case, careful inspection and following the appropriate troubleshooting steps can help you identify and resolve the issue.


The complexities of ‘How To Fix A Laptop Charger That Wont Charge’ may seem daunting, especially when you urgently need your laptop for work or personal use. But this comprehensive guide explores clear and actionable steps to diagnose and resolve the issue.

The guide starts with initial preliminary checks, moves on to detailed troubleshooting, and even guides you to professional repair services in Singapore if needed. Each section equips you with the tools and knowledge to tackle the problem effectively. Whether you face a simple connection issue or a more complex electrical repair, the right understanding and solutions can make all the difference

Remember, proper care and maintenance of your laptop’s charging components can prevent future issues and prolong the life of your charger. We hope this guide has empowered you with the confidence and expertise to tackle the challenge of “How To Fix A Laptop Charger That Wont Charge.”

If the DIY solutions don’t resolve the issue, turning to a trusted professional service like Volta PC Upgrade & Repair can be the perfect laptop repair services in Singapore. With their expertise in laptop charger repair or laptop battery replacement in Singapore, they can quickly diagnose and fix the problem, ensuring that you’re back up and running without unnecessary delays.


  • Tai Seng Branch: 8 Burn Road #01-04, Trivex, Singapore 369977
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