Fix Network Problems with a One-Click Reset (Windows 10)
sWindows 10 bring an important feature that people often overlook—an improved Network Status Page. You can find this feature from Settings > Network & Internet > Status. Alternatively, you canToggle File Extensions & Hidden Files with a Single Click (Windows 10)
Tired of going digging through several dialog boxes just to enable file extensions and hidden files? Try adding those settings from the ribbon to the Quick Access Toolbar so they’re12 Quick Fixes to Speed Up a Slow Mac
Remember the feeling when you just bought a brand new MacBook or iMac? A Mac without colorful spinning wheels. A Mac that doesn’t give you an excuse to get aLaptop Repair Avoidance: Simple Trick to Extend Lifespan of Laptops
Like most electronic products, laptops are designed to a specified mean time before failure (MTBF). As such, they generally following the bathtub curve in terms of reliability. It does notTravel Conveniently with SATS’ New “Ready to Travel” App
Need to get check-in reminders, travel insurance, or other travel tasks done while we repair your laptop? Good thing the airport service and in-flight catering company, SATS just launched the “Ready to Travel” app